
Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.


Membership Happy Hours are 
held every other month.
Please Join Us for our next
Happy Hour 
Thursday, September 26th
The location will be announced soon.
Halloween Costume Contest for Kids
6:00 PM on Halloween
on Tree Shadow Circle
Prizes will be given for contest winners. More details will be provided in advance of the event. 

HOA 2024 Gold & Silver Members

Monica & Michael Cooley
Collin & Natalie Kanelakos
Steve Atkinson & Ted Kincaid
Mark & Casey Auer
Bart & Denise Bookatz
Nancy Boughnou
Lisa & Richard Chamberlain
David Christopher
Mark & Ellen Dubrow
Kerri Evanson & Darren Hauck
Kay & Robert Harrell
Sharon & Jim Herrin
John & Susan Hildebrand
Olivia Houlditch
Steve & Jean Kaplan
Rich & Kimberly Matteson
Melinda & Mike Morgan
Jennifer Nakayama
John & Pam Norman
Jennifer & Brad Quine
Michael & Darla Sanderson
Donald & Rosalie Scaccia
Howard & Phyllis Schulman
John & Kristina Staley
Christina & John Stich
Shandolyn Story
Charlotte Voisinet
Marcia Walker
Lisa & Tom Walrich
Alina & Jared Williams

District 12 News

Updates and Information from the office of our City Council Representative, Cara Mendelshon:
District 12 Crime Update
Crime statistics in the city are broken down into three categories - crimes against people, crimes against property, and crimes against society. For overall crime, District 12 has the least number of criminal incidents of any district in the city. You can find crime reports and information here: Crime Reports & Information
Here's an update on District 12 year to date numbers:
Crime against people is down (currently second lowest in the city - D13 is lowest). There have been 48 fewer victims year to date. One crime included is murder, which is up from 1 this time last year to 6. Five of the murders were at apartment complexes and tied to drugs. Please see article below about how D12 is addressing apartment crime.
Crime against property is up by a total of 11 incidents year to date (currently the second lowest in the city - D5 is lowest). Reductions include the crimes of residential burglary, business burglary, vandalism, identify theft, and individual robbery, all down significantly, but we've had increases in theft from a vehicle, theft of motor vehicle parts, and stolen cars. Please help by making sure your car doors are locked and all valuables are removed from your car every time you leave the vehicle unattended.
Crimes against society is up (we are lowest in the city). Drugs and weapons charges are the reason for the increase. 
Dallas Police Department needs our help. Please make sure to report all crimes or suspicious incidents to 911, report crime online (see graphic below) or submit a tip or something suspicious that doesn't need an emergency response through the app iWatchDallas (can be done anonymously).
The North Central Police Station has recently increased its police staffing and shift schedules have changed. We have 8 Neighborhood Police Officers who are available to attend HOA meetings, come speak to congregations or civic groups, or participate in your neighborhood events. They have a strong focus on the apartments in our district. If you're not sure who your Neighborhood Police Officer is, contact Sgt. Ed Lujan at edmundo.lujan@dallaspolice.gov


The 2024 HOA Membership Drive Is Underway!
You should have received a membership form and letter in the mail. You can join or renew by mailing the form and paying by check. However, we encourage you to join or renew oline, which makes the record-keeping easier for us. 
To Sign Up as a New Member of  BT/BR/MC HOA:
  • At the top of the page, click on "New Membership."
  • Select a Membership Type
  • Complete the "Register" information.
  • You will then be sent an email with a link. Click on that link to complete the process and pay for your membership.
To Renew an Existing Membership:
  • Click on the Login link at the top of the page, and login with your user name and password. 
  • Click on Renew Membership at the top of the page.
  • Select Renew Membership from the list that comes up.
  • Complete the process by paying with your credit card through our secured server.
NOTE: If you have forgotten your user name, you can email us to obtain it. If you forget your password, email us to request that it be reset.